We know energy and natural resources litigation. There are virtually no areas of such litigation in which we have not played an active role.

Representative Matters

  • Lead trial counsel for plaintiffs in highly publicized Key 1-11 gas well blowout case in Texas Panhandle, the largest blowout of a gas well in continental United States history, in which, following trial lasting over two months, jury returned one of the largest jury verdicts in the history of the county in which the case was tried, in favor or clients
  • Successful defense of alleged breach of an International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) drilling bid proposal and daywork drilling contract
  • Successful defense of alleged breach of agreement to purchase drilling rigs and top drives
  • Successful representation of plaintiff in settlement of litigation involving over $500 million in damages resulting from effort by defendant to terminate client’s royalty interests
  • Successful defense of claims of breach of contract, reformation, fraud and loss of oil and gas bonus payments
  • Successful defense by summary judgment of suit seeking declaratory judgment voiding leases in Barnett Shale
  • Successful defense of series of lawsuits in Michigan alleging breach of contract and fraud stemming from nonpayment of oil and gas signing bonus
  • Successful defense of claims for breach of contract, failure to develop, declaratory judgment, suit to quiet title, conversion, and trespass by sub-surface intrusion
  • Successful defense of claims alleging breach of contract and breach of implied covenants, seeking cancellation of oil and gas leases
  • Successful defense of client in dispute involving the validity of competing oil and gas leases in Eagle Ford Shale
  • Successful representation of plaintiff in offshore oil and gas platform fire involving millions of dollars in damages resulting from destruction of platform